Just added a new command…

less than 1 minute read

Just added a new command to nxpm, try running npx nxpm projects to quickly execute builders and schematics (currently just 2…)


It looks up the options of the schematics and prompts for any of the unknown parameters.

What is different here to the angular cli? It asks me for required parameters too

It seems this is “guiding” you through building a complete nx command, instead of just asking for required parameters - all the way from suggesting available projects and schematics/builders specific to your workspace, no?

<https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=nrwl.angular-console Nx Console> tries to achieve the same through a UI - but this will be helpful for devs not using vscode :star-struck:

> What is different here to the angular cli? It asks me for required parameters too Angular CLI only asks for certain fields, most schematics don’t add those. Try for instance running @nrwl/workspace:move without any params, that will fail.

indeed, just like Nx Console! That’s exactly my use case, not a VS Code user myself

Love it!
