Nx Office Hours in 30 m…

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Nx Office Hours in ~30 minutes https://twitter.com/nrwl_io/status/1269647416762019842 https://twitter.com/nrwl_io|@nrwl_io: Tune in tomorrow (June 8!) for #Nx Office Hours with https://twitter.com/brandontroberts|@brandontroberts & https://twitter.com/PhilipJFulcher|@PhilipJFulcher

:point_right:Ask your questions about Nx :point_right:Get answers from Nx core team members

Live-stream starts at 1:00 PM ET!

Sign up here to get the link to join :point_right: https://hubs.ly/H0qYsx10


Not sure if you want to post in <#CMFKWPU6Q support> as well? Support has twice as many members in it than <#CMJ9RH6G6 nx> does.

Are office hours every other week?

Thanks Jay. I’ll do that next time.

Yes, currently every other week
