nx g nrwl workspac…

1 minute read

$ nx g @nrwl/workspace:move --projectName web-layout --destination web/layout/console This should never happen. Path: "/libs/web/layout". :see_no_evil:


It does work in 2 steps though…

$ nx g @nrwl/workspace:move --projectName web-layout --destination web/layout-console $ nx g @nrwl/workspace:move --projectName web-layout-console --destination web/layout/console

I didn’t know we had a move schematic.

I found it last weekend, there’s also remove :thumbsup:

How about rename?

Move is basically rename

Similar to a Unix filesystem

We’re working on making the move schematic more prominent in the docs on nx.dev. It’s there right now under Plugins, but you have to look for it.


can you file an issue with the This should never happen text? would be interested to know how you got that to happen.

Ohh…that’s probably not something we can work around. It’s a bug in the schematics engine.

Oh wait….maybe it is… it’ll only happen when you try to move a project into a sub folder of itself.

I might only be able to throw an error if you try to do this though. Maybe advise that you need to move it elsewhere first.

> Oh wait….maybe it is… it’ll only happen when you try to move a project into a sub folder of itself. That’s exactly it :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy to file an issue if that helps

If you could, that will at least let us track it, thanks!

Does move change the project name in workspace.json?

Yes :slightly_smiling_face:
