Anyone having issues wit…

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Anyone having issues with nx’s repo and creating the playground? E2e tests for Ng new are crashing for me on v9.0.0.


heres the error jest is throwing ```[nx] create playground ✓ create playground (203282ms) [angular] create playground ✕ create playground (135ms)

● [angular] › create playground › create playground

Command failed: ../../node_modules/.bin/ng new proj --no-interactive --skip-install --collection=@nrwl/workspace --npmScope=proj

  88 |     let gen;
  89 |     if (exports.cli === 'angular') {
> 90 |         gen = child_process_1.execSync(`../../node_modules/.bin/ng new proj --no-interactive --skip-install ${args ||
     |                               ^
  91 |             ''}`, Object.assign({ cwd: `./tmp/${exports.cli}` }, (silent ? { stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore'] } : {})));
  92 |     }
  93 |     else {

  at runNew (build/e2e/utils.js:90:31)
  at Object.newProject (build/e2e/utils.js:109:9)
  at <|> (build/e2e/commands/create-playground.test.js:7:21)```
