Hi guys any away to imp…

less than 1 minute read

Hi guys, any away to import a Angular project to a Nx workspace?


Do you mean convert an angular project to an nx? If so you do this:

ng add @nrwl/workspace

Here’s the docs in case: https://nx.dev/angular/getting-started/getting-started#adding-to-an-existing-angular-cli-workspace

I have a Nx workspace with some apps and libs, but I need to add another Angular project to this existing workspace. This another NG project are in production

Is a “older” Angular project, but I need to add it to my Nx workspace with other’s apps :)

In that case, the best thing is probably to first upgrade that “older” Angular project in its current workspace to the same version as you have in the Nx workspace

in that way you make sure the code migrations are being executed

then I’d generate a new empty angular project in the Nx workspace with the same name as your “older” Angular project that you want to migrate

and finally then copy over the src (u’ll loose Git history though, but that won’t be avoidable as I assume your nx workspace is in a different git repo than the older angular project)
