nvm I figured it out …

1 minute read

nvm I figured it out… it just seems a bit strange to me that filenames and architecture are so different from what I find in the official storybook docs


Hey, are we talking about React projects?

yup, sorry

this is interesting. What exaclty do you find strange/disturbing when setting up storybooks?

Right now we have a schematic to set up storybook config for a lib, but it is very basic

I’m currently working on improving it, such as automatically generating stories for components in a library (including cypress tests for them )

so I’m curious about your feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m currently in the process of porting a custom-configured storybook project to Nx

Being new to Storybook, I’m trying to understand what I’m doing but the configuration files in the official Storybook docs are different…

a colleague of mine actually told me a minute ago that those created by the Nx schematics are deprecated and that’s why they are so different from the ones I find in the official storybook docs

> a colleague of mine actually told me a minute ago that those created by the Nx schematics are deprecated I see, I’ll check that

So I’m having a bit of trouble with the required mental mapping of the two config styles :smile: but I’m managing somehow

Is it the build or structure or the schematics…. however I must stress I believe the build uses anyway storybook book does.

take a look here :slightly_smiling_face: https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#from-version-52x-to-53x

Also : is there some low-level magic involved in @nrwl/storybook that would prevent me from trying the new config files and maybe also update Storybook to the latest v5.x available or event to v6?

None at all. @nrwl/storybook passes in a configuration file like standard storybook. Meaning anything storybook can do NX can do. Only time this will break, is if storybook changes it’s internal structure for creating a build. So far it hasn’t

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: I managed to update storybook to 5.3.18 and also migrate the config files to the new ones

Might be a good idea we write the migration wrote the schismatics for Storybook.
