the storybook integrati…

1 minute read

the storybook integration shouldn’t we have an “app” level storybook which is ran from the app folder? Believe this would help for DLS systems


Hey, can you provide more details? Is it for being able to group storybooks and see all of them in a single one?

Kinda, So i know we have the application wide which groups everything. But I’m use to creating Design Langauge System, So say we have two applications the DLS could have different components between the two that you are allowed to use.

Other thing is I use Storybook to explain color scheme and typography for different projects

I also notice the schematics need migrating from version 4 to version 5 as alot of the options are disappearing from version 7 (6 just being released)

> I also notice the schematics need migrating from version 4 to version 5 as alot of the options are disappearing from version 7 (6 just being released) Yep noticed that and already scheduled a task to fix it :slightly_smiling_face:

for shared storybooks you can do something like what I showed here in this repo:

basically have a dedicated project that recursively searches for the stories

I guess you can do this, but I tend to publish the DLS onto a server. I know we NX had the storybook build builder but it feels odd that its being built inside a lib I use this approach with MDX files, again i know we can do it but it feels more like an app thought a library. I could modify the app to support it and I know how to manually create the storybook workspace file saying I came up with the solutions. It just feels wrong :confused:

I’m looking forward to Storybook’s composition feature that (I think) is designed to include multiple storybooks as sections in a parent storybook.

If I’m right, this would be perfect for what you’re needing

Nice one. My issue is more the fact we cant have storybook based in the apps folder. I feel like libs isn’t always the best place

Ah, I understand now
