Hey I would love to crea…

2 minute read

Hey I would love to create a blog post which tells

1) how to create a new schematic (roughly, because there are a lot of tutorials available already) 2) how to “architecture” it in a nice and easy way, because it prepares… 3) … how to move/transform it into an nx plugin, test it locally, publish it etc.

Would you do it in one blog post? Like from “Create the schematic”beginning to the end?

Or would you do two blog posts? If “two blog posts”: What would be the title for the first: Because it is about creating and “architecting” a schematic to prepare it for transforming into a nx plugin. I am kind of desperate right now… Thanks


Hey, that’s an awesome idea! I think you 2 posts would be appropriate if it takes some time to read all you need to write

If at the end it takes 10 minutes or so to read everything then do one

If it’s like 20 minutes or whatever else, you can do two

Ah so 10 minutes is like a threshold…that is a nice idea :slightly_smiling_face: Gonna make one, read it loud and then maybe make two out of it. Thanks!

I love this idea!

Would have helped me a ton

I would be happy to review the draft of your blog.

This is how I would do it; I would publish the knowledge prerequisites & conceptual guide, reference it at the beginning of each procedural guide. A procedural guide should include all the steps required to complete a task (even if longer than 10 minutes.)

• Conceptual Guide Knowledge Prerequisites Reference all the procedural guides Tips & References (How did you learn all that?) • Procedural Guide  Reference to conceptual guide How to create a template scaffolding  • Procedural Guide: Reference to conceptual guide How to upgrade your source code

Hey, and , thank you so much for your input. I am currently working on this branch https://github.com/FabianGosebrink/offering-solutions-html/blob/blogpost/adding-nx-plugin/homepage/content/blog/2020-04-06-writing-an-nx-plugin.md which right now shows a pre pre pre alpha of the blog with typos and everything :slightly_smiling_face: I will continue working on it the next days, writing it all in one and then cut it into pieces. I want to make sure everything makes sense before dividing it. But I will def take s advice as a guide to structure it. Thank you so much.

I am always happy for input, thanks. With this link you can review if and when you like.

I just added a huge part, will rest for today now. Will read it tomorrow and add the part on how to release it to npm. While writing the blog it came out that it shows on the first part how to scaffold a schematic and the second how to move it to an nx plugin. It does not describe how to use the incredibly useful methods from nx (because in the beginning they have not been there :slightly_smiling_face: ) but it describes my journey quite good so far. I will add the testing and I am - of course - always ready fo input and feedback. Thanks. Will let you know when I think it is finished from my point of view.

PR is here https://github.com/nrwl/nx/pull/2822

GH repo is here: https://github.com/FabianGosebrink/nx-protractor-to-cypress and npm package is here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@offeringsolutions/nx-protractor-to-cypress

Just created the blog https://offering.solutions/blog/articles/2020/04/08/creating-an-angular-schematic-and-turn-it-into-an-nx-plugin/ I am open for feedback

Nice! If you tweet it and tag @nxdevtools or @nrwl_io they’ll retweet it for you

Thanks, will do :slightly_smiling_face:
